Saturday, July 07, 2012

I'm in Poker Heaven

My first few days here in Vegas I've had moderate success.  I've been loving the tournaments here, and everyday I'm in a new one.  I've been playing almost exclusively at the Pallazzo/Venetian.  My second day in I final tabled a $200 deep stack with a 250 player field.  I unfortunately finished in ninth place, profiting a modest $700.  With the top prize being $10k, finishing 9th felt much like a loss.  Nevertheless it was a great confidence booster.

In general the play here is awful.  This was a great benefit during the aforementioned tournament.  I felt all I had to do was hit a big hand and call all the way.  The most notable play was without question the worst I've seen at any game for any level.

I had an above average stake at about 85k in chips when the blinds were 1500/3000.  The live player to my left was steaming when I woke up with pocket queens in a blind vs blind situation.  I just had this player covered in chips and was almost positive he would raise if I limp.  Sure enough, he makes a huge over bet of 20k.  I shove all in and and he snapped called with about 55k behind as though he had aces.  I, as well as the table, was shocked when he flipped up Queen-Eight off-suit.  That hand did not fair too well against my pocket queens.  I have no clue what he was thinking, but I was fine taking in the nice pot.  This was a great help for me on my way to the final.

As far as the cash games go, I killed the $1-$2 pot limit omaha game my third night against the drunks, only to give it back the next afternoon at the same game.  The swings in PLO can be a bit tough to swallow.

I also got to play some mixed games for my first time live.  I played a little $8-$16 H.O.R.S.E. on my third night.  I made a small profit, but had a very fun time.  Limit game players tend to be a little less serious, and joking around is a lot more commonplace.  I look forward to enjoying myself at more mixed games when I have time.  I hope to play some PLO hi/lo when I find a game.

The variety in games is a nice departure from what I'm used to.  In Toronto it's almost exclusively no limit hold'em with the occasional omaha game.

The horrible quality of play did get me in a little trouble yesterday.  I was busted early in the same $200 dollar tournament that I final tabled.  I had a little over my 10k starting stack with the blinds at 100/200 when I woke up with aces in the small blind.  The under the gun player raised to $600 and there were four callers behind me.  I made a healthy raise to $2600.  The raiser folded, as did two others.  The player in the cutoff spot decided to call.  To just call a raise in that position then call a re-raise typically means an exceptionally weak hand.

The board came 8-7-3 rainbow.  I checked hoping he would bet.  I also wanted to look weaker than I was.  He checked.  The turn was a jack.  Still loving my hand I bet another $3200.  The player called.  Another harmless looking three came on the river and I put in my remaining $4500 chips.  The player called then flipped up 2-3 offsuit.  WOW! I was not expecting that.  I was disappointed to be knocked out so early, especially after my very bad PLO session.  I did not get discouraged though: this is the kind of play you see in Vegas, and in the long run this kind of play will make me a lot of money.

After a very bad day I was drained from the heat and the walking (next time I'll get a hotel closer to the strip).  A 10-15 minute walk is much longer in 40+ degree heat.  So I called it an early night.

I'm about to go to the Rio where the WSOP is held.  There is a juicy 2 p.m. deep stack tournament.  A $235 buy-in with over a thousand players.  I hope to run deep.  With a top prize of over $50k, this would be a good time to run good.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Taking my show on the road

I’m heading to Vegas next week for my first poker vacation.  After some success online over the past month, I’ve decided that the timing was right.  With the World Series of Poker going on, there is sure to be a ton of action.

I’m currently debating whether or not I should enter a WSOP event. The day after I arrive is event #59 (a $1000 entry).   This will be an incredibly large field, so cashing is difficult.  Not to mention that the event could last as long as four days.  Though realistically I'd be lucky to survive day one.  Or worse, I could last two full days and not make any money.

I’m currently satisfied with where my bankroll is right now, but spending $1000 on one tournament with low probability on return is still a tough decision.  Since I will only be there for 8 days, I need to look at how I can maximize my time. 

Last years champion beat the massive field of over 4000 players and took home about $650k.  That’s most definitely something to think about.  I’ll likely see how I’m feeling once I'm in Vegas, and  make a decision while I’m there

I’ll be staying at Terribles Hotel and Casino.  It’s not the most popular of hotels in Vegas, in that I can’t find anyone here who’s so much as heard of it let alone stayed there.  It is cheap, has good reviews online, and is only a ten-minute walk East of the Strip, so it suits me perfectly.

I’ll have to make a few decisions while I’m there.  I’m not sure whether to focus my energy on cash games or take advantage some of the many tournaments outside of the WSOP.

It’s pretty common knowledge around the poker community that where there’s big tournaments, there’s great side games.  Most players are walking into these games already stuck and trying to make some money back.  This typically results in much more (and potentially reckless) aggressive play. 

I will be heading out Tuesday morning and couldn’t be more excited.  I’m trying to keep my emotions in check, though: a successful trip means more in the future.